I can’t look where I am going,
Into the twilight my shadow’s growing.
Darkness creeps and crawls by,
Ghosts of the past scream and cry.
A glint of metal shines on her cheek,
Like hope in the dark giving a peek.
But looking further I can’t see,
The curls fall down, are they of grief or glee?
Silence ahead, not a sound,
Sure and swish the curls fall down.
And I am happy, I feel no pain,
December it was still felt like rain.
The tears have gone but the cloud’s still there,
I can’t see the sun but the light is there.
A music flows that never once was,
They say it’s love but can I make a pass?
So do you now see?
Groping further but I can’t feel,
The curls fall down, with numbness I deal.
There’s something ahead yet to be found,
But then thick and fast the curls fall down.
Suddenly all the light has come,
The music’s gone and a noise has sprung.
Mercy O Lord! I have fallen again,
The curls are gone and a horror has gained.
For the metal I saw glinting on the cheek,
Was no fucking hope but a killing machine.
And you stabbed it in my eyes,
The loser within me he cries.
Ghosts of the past they are alive today,
They cry no more they just bleed away.
I am numb no more I only reek,
Now I know what your silence speaks.
Looking ahead now I have seen,
There’s a cross that shines with sheen.
Groping further I can feel,
Wreath of thorns and stones on the green.
But yeah there’s something ahead yet to be found,
It’s not the end but the curls fall down.