Lot of anticipation went through my mind before watching this flick. I was disappointed though. Orphan is the story of a 9yr old girl who is adopted by a family who lost their third child because of still birth. The girl, Esther is not innocent as she pretends to be and gruesome accidents keep happening where she is involved. Finally the truth is revealed when Kate, her step-mother discovers that she is actually a runaway from a mental hospital in Estonia and is extremely dangerous.
Orphan relies on its classy direction, jump in your seat sequences and brilliant cinematography. But it is totally spineless when it comes to the storyline. Though I could not guess the twist in the end but the twist was a very ordinary and unsatisfactory one. The director tries to fit everything into one disorder that is Hypopituitarism and that comes off as a poor solution to the complicated plot.
The performances are good, especially those of Kate and Esther. But then this is not one horror/thriller flick that you would remember. I will go out on a 3 on 5, purely for its direction, visuals and performances.